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Supercharge Your Etsy Shop With ChatGPT
Using ChatGPT: Products & Listings

Related Product Ideas From Existing Product

My best-selling product is (detailed description of your product). Can you suggest some related product ideas that I could add to my shop to reach new customers?

Brainstorm Product Ideas

I sell (detailed description of your product) on Etsy. I’m looking to develop new products targeted towards (your target customers). Can you give me 10 creative product ideas?

Brainstorm Unique Selling Points

I sell (detailed description of your product) on Etsy. Can you brainstorm 10 unique selling points that can help me stand out and differentiate from my competitors?

A possible follow-up prompt is:

Can you write me a (style you prefer, e.g. fun) product description using points number X and X for my Etsy shop?

Brainstorm Product Benefits

I sell (your product) on Etsy, and here are some details of my product: (list of product features). My target customer is (your target customers). Can you give me a list of 10 ways that my product can benefit my target customer?

Similarly, you can adjust the prompt above like this:

I sell (your product) on Etsy, and here are some details of my product: (list of product features). My target customer is (your target customers). Can you give me a list of 10 selling points that tailor to my target customer?

Writing Listing Descriptions

I need to write a product description for my new (product name). Can you write 3 variations of product description using these product details? “(Bullet point of relevant product and brand details, specify unique selling points you want to highlight, etc.)”

Product Photography Tips

I want to improve the photography for my (detailed description of your product). Can you give me some practical tips for capturing the best images for this product?

Adding Customisation Options To Products

I sell (detailed description of your product) on Etsy. Can you suggest 10 ways that I could offer customisation options for this product?

Long-Tail Keyword Ideas

I sell (detailed description of your product) on Etsy. My target customer is (your target customers). Can you suggest 20 long-tail keywords that I could use in my product title or description to improve SEO?

Strategies For Price Increase

I sell (detailed description of your product) on Etsy. I’m looking to increase the price due to (reason for price increase). Can you give me 10 strategies that I can increase the value of my products to justify the price increase?