GYC Etsy Listing & Shop Audits
Is your Etsy shop not getting traffic? Is your Etsy shop not getting sales? But you don’t have time to read through my courses and roadmap?

Let me save you time by condensing all my courses and apply the strategies to your unique Etsy shop.
Introducing GYC Etsy Audits
GYC Etsy Audits are 100% personalised reports that grow your conversion rate and sales by giving you a plan that is easy-to-execute.

From my experience, most sellers have a conversion rate of around or below 1% (You can check yours in your Etsy stats). With the right optimisations, it’s highly possible to increase your conversion rate by 1%.

That could mean jumping from 1% to 2% - doubling your conversion rate and your sales.

Chances are, you're already spending $30, $50, or even hundreds on Etsy ads. It makes sense to polish your listings and shop to convert just 1% more of the traffic coming in.
How To Get Your Audit Report?
Step 1
Purchase an audit report with the link below
Step 2
Send your Etsy listing or shop URL to
Step 3
Receive your personalised audit after about 2 days (Listing audit) or 1 week (Shop audit)
Get Your Personalised GYC Audit
GYC Etsy Listing Audit


for 1 listing audit report
Get GYC Listing Audit
What you'll get:
1-2 pages
Rewritten listing title and tags you can copy and paste for better Etsy SEO and higher ranking potential
Recommendation on how to improve your listing photos
Real examples to show you what and how to improve
A checklist of changes to make
~2-3 day turnover
GYC Etsy Shop Audit


for 1 shop audit report
Get GYC Shop Audit
What you'll get:
Include 1 GYC Etsy listing audit
10+ pages comprehensive report
Focus on high impact areas you should prioritise for quickest growth
Etsy SEO actionable plan with a list of long-tail keywords to target
Strategies to strengthen your product offering
Real examples to show you what and how to improve
A checklist of changes to make
~7 day turnover
Safe and secured checkout
Your Questions, Answered

Do you guarantee results?

While I can't guarantee specific results as there are too many factors outside my control, students could a 1% lift in conversion rate after implementing the recommended actions.

Who writes these audits?

All audits are written by me (Growing Your Craft) personally. You're getting insights directly from someone with multiple top 1% Etsy stores and over 20,000 sales.

What access do you need?

I only need your Etsy shop or listing URLs. I don’t need any account access as I won’t be making the changes directly.