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A Step-By-Step Guide To Profitable Etsy Ads
Etsy Ads Dashboard Analysis

When you first open Etsy ads dashboard, it may seem like there isn’t a lot you can see. You can see a chart of views, clicks, orders and revenue, in addition to the sales you made with Etsy ads.

To reveal the hidden data dashboard, go to “Manage advertised listings”, and on the right hand side, click this symbol to change to a detailed view:

Here you can extract a lot of valuable data to improve your shop. Let’s go through some of them:

Click Rate

This shows you how often shoppers click your listings after your ads are shown. It often reveal how eye-catching your product photos are.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Calculated by dividing (Budget spent) with (clicks), Cost per click shows you on average, how much you are paying every time shoppers click on your ads. The lower the better. 

For your reference, Google’s CPC is about $0.66 and Facebook’s CPC is about $1.72 according to WordStream’s 2019 Google Shopping Ads Benchmarks report.

Conversion Rate

Calculated by dividing (order) with (clicks). It shows you the percentage of visits (click into your ads) that results in a sale. The average for ecommerce businesses is around 1-3%.

ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend)

This is calculated by dividing revenue with ad budget spent. It shows the revenue the ad generates for every $1 spent. If it’s lower than 1, it means the cost is higher than revenue before any of your other costs. 

The higher the ROAS the better. Higher ROAS means the listing is generating more income compared to the ad costs. On average, ROAS for Amazon advertising is 2.9 ($2.9 revenue for every dollar spent) according to AdBadger’ 2019 Advertising Stats report.

Control What Search Term To Show Your Listing

When you click ‘search terms’ of individual listings. You can control what keywords your listings should show up. This is very useful in fine tuning your ads. It may even reveal some keywords you haven’t thought of that you can use in your titles and tags.