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Psychological Principles For Etsy Sellers - From Strategy To Application
Principle 01 - Social Proof

Social proof is a psychological principle where people look to the actions and behaviours of others to guide their own decisions, especially in uncertain situations. This principle is particularly powerful in the world of online marketplace, where shoppers can't physically examine products before buying.

For Etsy sellers, leveraging social proof can be extremely useful in boosting sales and building trust with potential customers.

When browsing Etsy, shoppers are often overwhelmed by the large number of options available. They're looking for signals that can help them make confident purchasing decisions.

The most important signal is reviews, which is prominently displayed in the search result page and the listing page.

But other than reviews, there are other ways to leverage social proof. Let’s look at all the social proof tactics, and see how you can potentially apply them to your shop.

Review rating and review count are featured prominently on the search results page listings

Applying Social Proof To Your Etsy Shop

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are perhaps the most important form of social proof on Etsy, because they are so prominent on Etsy and can significantly influence purchase decisions of shoppers.

To maximise the impact of customer reviews:

  1. Encourage reviews actively: Include a handwritten note (or a photocopy of one) with each order, thanking the customer for their purchase and kindly requesting a review. You might even offer a small incentive for their next purchase if they leave feedback.
  2. Respond to reviews strategically: Reply to 5-star reviews quickly with a simple thank you message so that the review is locked in on Etsy. For negative reviews, reach out to the customer privately first to address their concerns before responding publicly (100 days after the review is left until it can’t be edited).

A high number of positive reviews can help both your click through rate and conversion rate.

Showing Reviews & Testimonials In Listings

Although Etsy already display reviews underneath your product photos, there are other ways to further leverage reviews you have. This is especially important in the beginning of your shop when you have only a few reviews, or your testimonials come from outside of Etsy.

Highlight reviews in listings: You can do the same for text reviews as well. Design a listing photo that displays a few glowing reviews. This is particularly effective if you have limited reviews on Etsy or have testimonials from other platforms.

Highlights selected reviews could be a good solution for relatively new sellers (from herbsandtwine)

Create a photo collage: Showcase happy customers using your products or product photos taken by your customers. Add some relevant text like: “Loved by (your customer persona, e.g. single mums) like you!”. Feature that as one of your listing photos.

Use user generated content as listing photo that shows happy customers using your products (from WoosterCo)

Leveraging Social Media Proof

Your social media presence can be a powerful tool for social proof if it’s substantial:

  1. Display follower counts: If you have a substantial following on social media platforms (for example, over 5-10k), you can choose to showcase these numbers in your listing photos. A large following can suggest popularity and trustworthiness.
  2. Highlight influencer collaborations: If you've worked with influencers, feature the resulting content in your listing photos or as your listing video. It allows you to borrow credibility from established names in your niche.

Example from LamariiJewelry showing their Instagram counts and sales number outside of Etsy

Establishing Authority With Expert Endorsements

If your products or shop have received recognition from industry experts or organisations, make sure to display any awards, certifications, or recognition you've received from reputable sources. This helps establish your authority and credibility in your niche.