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Psychological Principles For Etsy Sellers - From Strategy To Application
Principle 02 - Authority

Authority in Etsy marketing is about establishing yourself or your brand as an expert in your niche. When you're seen as knowledgeable and credible, potential customers are more likely to trust you and, consequently, buy from you. It's human nature to seek guidance from those we perceive as experts, and in the world of e-commerce, this translates into sales.

For Etsy sellers, leveraging authority can be a great strategy in the long-run for your business. Universally, customers feel more secure purchasing from someone they view as an authority in their craft, no matter the niche you’re in.

Applying Authority To Your Etsy Shop

Showcase Your Expertise

There are several ways to demonstrate your authority on Etsy. Let's explore some effective strategies:

Display your skills and techniques: You can use your listing video to show your crafting process. This can also be done on your social media with short-form videos. The effect could be even stronger if you can list any certifications, training, or formal education related to your craft. For example, if you sell a traditional Japanese craft and you have learnt the skill in Japan, mentioning that can improve your authority.

For example, leverage authority by showing this ADHD-focused product is created by a professional (from CounsellorCronan)

Using the listing video to showcase your crafting process can show your customers that you know what you're doing (from ZowaPersonalized)

Or you can talk about your relevant qualifications in your About section (from MARIEJUNEJewelry)

Fill in Etsy shop FAQ section: This is often overlooked by Etsy sellers. Filling your FAQ with relevant questions that are commonly asked by your target customers can help demonstrate the knowledge you have on the topic, which reduce the barrier to purchase for them and increase the chance of making a sale.

(from FloralPrints)

Build a strong social media presence: Similar to social proof, your social media following can be a powerful indicator of your authority if it’s substantial.

Highlight awards and recognitions: If you've won any awards or been featured in relevant blogs or magazines, display them in your listing photos, Etsy shop banner, etc. Doing so can add credibility to your brand and show that your work is recognised by respected sources.

ThePaperMemory showcases publication features in one of their listing photos

Develop Your Authority Through Content

Another powerful way to establish authority is by creating valuable content about your niche consistently. By sharing your knowledge, not only are you showcasing your expertise, you are also getting additional, targeted traffic from people who could be interested in your products.

Write educational blog posts: Start a blog where you share insights, tips, and information related to your products and industry. If you sell vintage clothing, for example, you could write posts about fashion history, care tips for vintage garments, or new trends of how to style retro pieces. This kind of content positions you as a knowledgeable resource in your field, not just a seller. It can also generate traffic online through Google search and other sources, like my blog on growingyourcraft. This is even more powerful if you create a free piece of resource to send to website visitors in exchange of their emails, which can be used for email marketing to build long-term positive relationship.

Create engaging content on social media: Sharing useful content on social media can be an incredibly effective way to demonstrate your expertise and build a personal connection with your audience. With consistency, you can be viewed as one of the trusted authorities in the niche, which stands out in the minds of customers when they want to buy related products.