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Psychological Principles For Etsy Sellers - From Strategy To Application
Principle 03 - Foot In The Door

This strategy involves starting with a small, easy-to-agree-to request to increase the likelihood of a positive response to a larger request later on. It's based on the principle of commitment and consistency: once people say 'yes' to a small thing, they're more likely to feel committed and therefore say 'yes' to a bigger ask later.

For Etsy sellers, this technique can be applied in a few ways. By encouraging potential customers to make a small, low-risk engagement or purchase, you're not just starting an interaction with your customers, but also boosting the chance of them making a larger, more significant purchase. This approach can also help you build a loyal customer base and increase the return rate of customers.

Applying The Foot-in-the-Door Technique To Your Etsy Shop

Initial Engagement Strategies

One effective way to implement this technique is through the use of sample products or trial kits. For physical products, consider offering smaller, sample-sized versions of your items at a low price point. These samples should cover your costs and shipping expenses to ensure you're not losing money while attracting new customers. The key is to provide a taste of your product quality without requiring a significant investment from the customer.

For example, if you sell handmade soaps, you could offer mini soap bars for lower prices. This allows customers to try your products with minimal risk, increasing the likelihood they'll return for full-sized items in the future.

Trial kits or product bundles are another excellent option to apply this principle. These can include a variety of your products in smaller sizes, which also let your customers try out different products and see which one they like best. For example, if you sell skincare products, you might create a "starter kit" with tester-sized versions of your cleanser, toner, and moisturiser.

Offering small sample size for customers to try out is a good way to leverage this principle (from LunaLifeApothecary)

Increasing Commitment

Once a customer has made that initial small purchase, it's time to nurture the relationship and encourage larger commitments. Here are some effective follow-up strategies:

Include a personalised thank you note with each order, expressing your appreciation for their business. To incentivise a return visit, include a VIP coupon code for their next purchase. This not only shows your gratitude but also provides a compelling reason for the customer to shop with you again.

If you've captured the customer's email address (with their permission), email marketing can be a powerful tool to build long term relationship. Use it to showcase new products, announce sales, or provide valuable content related to your niche. Remember, the key to successful email marketing is to provide value, not just promotional content. For more in-depth strategies on this topic, refer to my Etsy email marketing course.