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Supercharge Your Etsy Shop With ChatGPT
Using ChatGPT: Market Research

Brainstorm Niches And Keywords

I'm interested in selling (general product category) on Etsy. Can you help me brainstorm niche ideas that can be profitable?

Competitive Analysis

I sell (your product category). Can you generate a list of questions I should ask to evaluate my competitors?

Target Customers

I sell (detailed description of your product) on Etsy. Give me 5 possible ideal customer profiles and what they look for specifically.

Target Customer Pain Points

I sell (detailed description of your product) on Etsy. My target customer is (detailed description of your target customers). What are some of the pain points my target customers will have that my product can solve?

What Target Customer Look For

Act as a (your target customer) who is (facing pain points/difficulties). What qualities would you be looking for in a (describe your product)?

Potential Questions By Customers

I sell (detailed description of your product) on Etsy. List 20 potential questions that my customers would ask me.

A possible follow-up prompt is:

Can you answer these 20 questions? Here are some notes for the answer: “(give some guidance of how ChatGPT should answer the questions)”