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Supercharge Your Etsy Shop With ChatGPT
Using ChatGPT: General Productivity

Speed Up Day-To-Day Tasks

To get the transcript of Youtube video, paste the url into this website and download the text (works for videos about 10 minutes or under).

Summarise this (Youtube video/article) into detailed bullet points:
“(transcript of the video/content of the article)”

Then you can start asking questions about the video/article. For example, you can ask “does she mention about xxx?” or “what does she suggest to do about xxx?”

Organised Your Thoughts

Organise these notes into logical and easy-to-read (the output format you want, e.g. listing description):
“(your notes)”

Rewrite Your Original Text Into Something Different

Rewrite this (type of text, e.g. listing description) with a more fun and informal tone:
“(your text)”

I’ve recently added these (new features/colours) to my (product). Can you add the information to this listing description: “(your listing description)”

Proofread And Improve Writing

Proofread my writing below. Fix grammar and spelling mistakes. Suggest ways to make it easier to read. “(Paste your writing)”

Efficiency Analysis

Here are the tasks I perform regularly for my Etsy shop: “(bullet list of tasks)”. Can you suggest ways to streamline these tasks to improve efficiency?